April 1, Monitoring Results of Media Activity Restrictions in an Emergency Situation

Օn April 1, “Media Advocate” Initiative monitored the work of the Commandant’s office with the media in emergency situation.

Hraparak daily reported that following one of the articles published on March 31, police launched an administrative case against the newspaper. “The golden age of the authorities has come; they ca impose great financial penalties on us by presenting it as a fight against coronavirus. Yesterday we were informed that the police had initiated administrative proceedings based on one of our articles.”

BBC has published an article mentioning all the countries that, according to the news agency, have used the situation caused by the coronavirus in order to take action against their opponents. Armenia is among those countries. Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary, China are also on the list.

“Media Advocate” Initiative also highlighted the articles on the coronavirus and coronavirus-related issues appearing in the media on April 1. As a result of today’s monitoring, the featured articles were reviewed and no removed publications were found.