April 2, Monitoring Results of Media Activity Restrictions in an Emergency Situation

Օn April 2, “Media Advocate” Initiative monitored the work of the Commandant’s office with the media in emergency situation.

A number of NGOs have issued a statement on the adoption of the Law on Electronic Communication which envisages the collection of movement, calls and SMS data of customers receiving public electronic communications services. The statement notes: “We urge the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Commandant’s Office to properly inform citizens of the structures that process personal data of citizens, whether they are public or private, how proper data protection and security is ensured, and to provide clear information on the results of system implementation.”

UN human rights experts issued a statement urging the states to avoid overreach of security measures and not to turn them into means of suppressing the human rights. They reminded that the powers used during the emergency state should not become a tool against dissent and should be guided in accordance with the international law.

“Media Advocate” Initiative also highlighted the articles on the coronavirus and coronavirus-related issues appearing in the media on April 2. As a result of today’s monitoring, the featured articles were reviewed and no removed publications were found.