RA Prime Minister’s Spokesperson Vladimir Karapetyan’s clarification

“Media Advocate” initiative announced today that it will appeal to the government on the basis of the publication by Armdaily.am․ According to the publication, the government provided preferential terms to one of the news agencies for undertaking its media coverage.

“Media Advocate” initiative has already addressed the issue (http://mediaadvocate.am/en/2019/07/22/media-advocate-urges-not-to-create-privileges-for-this-or-that-news-agency/) and talked to the Prime Minister’s spokesperson Vladimir Karapetyan. During the conversation Mr. Karapetyan said: “The rumours about certain preferential terms does not correspond to reality. I needed a shot, and I asked for it in order it to be used for governmental purposes. That is, that happened at my request.” To the question what the government cameraman was doing in that case, wasn’t it is his function, Mr. Karapetyan said they needed an additional shot, there was not any difference which media agency’s cameraman it would be.