Naira Zohrabyan still has the most positively perceived image

From 21 to 30 June, 2019, the “Media Advocate” initiative followed online media reports on the Member of the National Assembly Naira Zohrabyan’s personality and activities. 35 leading Armenian news agencies have been monitored.

In the specified period, 191 articles were declared, 12 of which were positive, 2 were negative and 177 were neutral.

According to the monitoring results of “Media Advocate” initiative, Naira Zohrabyan still has the most positively perceived image. During this ten-day period, Mrs. Zohrabyan is in a leading position in correlation of positive and negative articles as well. This time MP’s activities in PACE were positively assessed.

Mrs. Zohrabyan continues to be active on social networks: she regularly answers the questions of the users, and comments on this or that incident or phenomenon.

The reason of negative articles turned to be PAP member Marine Muradyan’s statement, according to which, she appealed to Naira Zohrabyan for the solution of her problem and the latter promised to help, but as a matter of fact, did not provide her time.

Naira Zohrabyan actually succeeds in working on social media and with the media outlets.