Gohar Abajyan’s activity still remains problematic for Ararat Mirzoyan

From 21 to 31 March, 2019, the “Media Advocate” initiative followed online media reports on the Speaker of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan’s personality and activities. 34 leading Armenian news agencies have been monitored.

In the specified period, 371 articles were declared, 83 of which were negative, 9 were positive and 281 were neutral.

According to the results of the monitoring, Gohar Abajyan’s activity still remains problematic for Ararat Mirzoyan. This time, the negative articles on the speaker of the National Assembly were based on the news of having or not having TV. The society and the media were mocking the fact that the bank refused to give credit to the Speaker of the National Assembly in order to buy TV. Moreover, they reminded of one of Mirzoyan’s photos, where it was clearly vivid that there was a TV set in the Speaker’s house.